Hi! Thanks for checking out my work!
I'm Zev Frank! I recently graduated from the School of Visual Arts and am looking for work in 2D Animation and illustration. Currently I am doing freelance design and illustration work, and recently released my first comic, All the Pieces Laid Out. In my free time I create horror and dark fantasy art and sculpt jewelry.
Please feel free to contact me anytime at zevfrankart@gmail.com,
I'm Zev Frank! I recently graduated from the School of Visual Arts and am looking for work in 2D Animation and illustration. Currently I am doing freelance design and illustration work, and recently released my first comic, All the Pieces Laid Out. In my free time I create horror and dark fantasy art and sculpt jewelry.
Please feel free to contact me anytime at zevfrankart@gmail.com,
or through any of the social media below!